My Website Is Up!! Oh, and Transistor Teaset Ch11 and Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient English Patch...

.. I've legit been working for two days straight, so I don't feel like writing anything engaging or energetic.
So if you don't know why you came here, gais...
This is my page for translating things, and you like, download them from here and stuff...
At the moment, I already have two projects finished and their download link can be found under the download tab at the top of the screen. They are Transistor Teaset Ch11 and Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient English Patch.
...Thinking about it now, it's quite amusing having these side-by-side.
...Aaaaaanyway, I'll be posting what I'm doing for my updates on Dead Patient here first (apparently there are some bugs and stuff)...
Welcome, gais!!