Kuttsukiboshi DJ in da house!!

Hey! How ya doin'?
So, I just uploaded a new Kuttsukiboshi doujin...
Err... If you want to read it, go right on ahead.
Thanks again to Hanabi for doing all of the work that's actually difficult. I'm going to feel real bad when the series is up, so I'll try to find something that we can collab on when it's done, but we'll see how that goes.
As release schedule goes, I'll try to get some TT done over the Christmas holidays and then back to My Ignorance. I know TT is not everyone's favourite series, but I like the humour, and really enjoy working on it so that's what's next on the rotation.
So have fun with the doujin, and hopefully ya'll read the TT chapter, but I'll be seeing most of you for the My Ignorance chapter instead.