Prison! Ch09 Chapter Release
Hiya! Finally got one of these chapters out. I am back to doing the whole thing myself, so there may be a significant dip in quality for...

Tokuwo extras Ch06/06.5
Hiya, GUMI here. Somewhat busy, so I'll keep this as brief as possible. Tokuwo extras are now available under the download tab. Prison!...

L-sized Ch15 release!!!
Hi gais, GUMI here. L-sized Ch15 is released and available under the download tab, or wherever manga is hosted. So scheduling: Transistor...

Tokuwo Extras Ch05 & 5.5 release
Hi gais, GUMI here, Both the 5th and the 5.5th instalment of Tokuwo Extras are released and available under the download tab. Thank you...

Tokuwo Extras Ch04 release!
Hi gais, GUMI here. Tokuwo Extras 4 is released and a .zip is available under the download tab. I'll keep this brief as it is quite late:...

Prison! Ch08 Release
Hi gais, GUMI here, Prison! Ch08 is now released, and is available under the download tab, or just look it up on Mangadex. So, as...

L-Size Little Sister Ch14 Release!!
Hi gais, GUMI here. As the title implies L-size Little Sister Ch14 has been completed, and is under the download tab. Not much unchanged...

Triple Release (sort of) - Tokuwo Extras 1.5 + 3.5 & Transistor Teaset Ch23
G'day, bloody GUMI 'ere. So, I have two extras for you and the new TT chapter, all available under the download tab. If anyone actually...

Tokuwotsumu extras ch03 release!!!
Hi Gais, GUMI here... Tokuwo extras Ch03 is now released, available under the downloads tab, or as they used to say "[...] or wherever...

Prison! Ex01 Release + scheduling
Howdy, pardner... Prison extra up aaaaaaar! It's just a 2-pager, btw. It's under the download tab etc etc. Now, some scheduling info:...