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Tokuwo Extras Ch05 & 5.5 release

Hi gais, GUMI here,

Both the 5th and the 5.5th instalment of Tokuwo Extras are released and available under the download tab. Thank you to Babu again for the stellar job on the redrawing and typesetting.

Okay, onto scheduling:

Next will either be Tokuwo 06 or L-Sized Little Sister. Lpoool has that L-Sized won't take much longer, but I might be able to sneak in another Extras chapter in that time. Either way, more stuff coming down the pipe soon.

Transistor Teaset might be next. There is a small delay because I am experimenting with some tools to see if I can pump them out faster. Redrawing has never been my forte, so hopefully I can find a way to correct that. If I can correct that, I'll pick up another series.

Haven't got a timeframe on Prison! atm, but it is likely to be a few more weeks.

Other than that, I am going to revamp the website for some future stuff that I am planning, and I'll start shilling the site harder once I'm done. Should be in the next couple of days.

Anyway, cya soon.



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