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Prison! Ch08 Release

Hi gais, GUMI here,

Prison! Ch08 is now released, and is available under the download tab, or just look it up on Mangadex.

So, as mentioned last time, all of my series are currently back to the script-writing stage at the moment, so just about any release date is up in the air, apart from Tokuwo Extras, a new one of which should be out in 2 more weeks or so. It's a little longer than usual, and I have to double-check Tokuwotsumu's handwriting on a lot of it, which also takes a bit of time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and hopefully I can finish another Prison! script by the time I upload again.

I also still need to take the time to clean up the effing website - I came real close to doing it the other day, but I ended up wasting my time on something else instead...

Anyway, enjoy!


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