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Why have I not yet fixed the English for Dead Patient yet?

For those of you read the README that came with the patch, you'll know that I had trouble programming the menus, and I was severely understaffed which means I did quality-checking as well as translating, which is basically going full retard...

...and you NEVER go full retard, man...

I was somewhat counting on the other group who were working on Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient bringing out a better version like one week after I did...

...but I don't know what happened to that.

It was only supposed to be an early-release thing because I had translated it anyway, and I didn't want it to go to waste.

With all this in mind, I am currently using AzzMan's Let's Play videos on YouTube of the patch to correct it's bugs and occasionally cringe-worthy English, which I highly recommend for anyone who doesn't know if they want to download it or not, or have doubts about the quality of the patch.

Now I can do this in two ways:

Firstly, I can release a new patch for every video he releases. Re-packaging the patch and re-uploading it takes a ludicrous ammount of time, and it's a pain-in-the-arse for both me and you to do this song and dance every other day.

Secondly, and this is what I'm going for, I can fix the files everytime AzzMan brings out a new video and re-upload them all at once after his last video.

Also, I can't figure out how to translate the menus, so I give up on that. If someone else can fix them and email me the fixed files, I'll give a credit and they'll really be helping everyone out.

You gais let me know if you have suggestion or comments about in the comments section below...

Thanks gais,

GUMI is life

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