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Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient English Patch Final Update in 24 Hours (approx)!

Hey Gais,

To the very few of you who are following the progress on the update to Dead Patient here (I don't think that this page can be reached with google, but there are some links here and there to this page on the internet), in an earlier post I mentioned that I was using a series of Let's Play videos as a resource to clean-up my currently-released English patch.

The Let's Play videos just ended, so I am re-watching all of them while I edit the game, before I release what you might call the "final-quality English patch v1.0". This means that I have put a hold on my other projects and my exam study to work on this over the next 24 hours.

My schedule is:

- Re-watch the videos and make notes: 4-5 hours

- Editing: 8-9 hours

- Play-test the patch: without complications: 4 hours

What I am editing:

- Fixing the English text to make it flow better and to try to characterise the dialogue a bit better

- Editing the logo and credits page to English (the credits page uses name kanji, which will cause several problems. If you are a Japanese student, you'll probably know why "jinmeiyou kanji is bit of a problem...)

- Fixing downright wrong English writing, one of which is crucial to the solution of a puzzle...

- Checking against the original Japanese transcript to ensure that it still remains true to the original text

- Adding a translation to the intercom and the x-ray room door, even though these aren't in the original

What I am not editing/cannot edit

- MENUS!! (I tried SOOOO hard you gais...) (this includes the text in notes that you pick up, so I advise that you have a pen handy when you play ;-) )

- Japanese spoken dialogue (I am only talking about one instance, but I can't make new dialogue boxes for cutscenes without pushing the sprites and spoken dialgoue out of whack).

It is going to take a very long time without sleep, but I will try to get this out within 24 hours. I can't give you a time as I live in Australlia, and I am most likely in a different time zone to you gais (even to 2/3 of Australia)

So that's it! I hope that my translation meets your standards.

As always, I'll be updating over the old MediaFire link, and I'll post here when the new patch is out!

My email address is at the bottom of the page, as well as the comments section below, so please give me some feedback on problems with the patch, so as to ensure that I don't overlook anything. Also, if I get important feedback after I release this patch, I will of course update at that time.

I better get to work then!


P.S. Isn't Teshimizu Kurara (the girl in the picture) so freakin' kawaii!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?

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