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Transistor Teaset Ch12 Release and My Short Hiatus Details

Hey gais,

So TT Ch12 can now be found under the downloads tab on this page!

I laughed my arse off reading this chapter, so I hope you gais do as well.

Now, I'm not going to be doing any work on TT for about a month or two. The reason is that I need to find a new house and move, find a new job (got fired from my last one recently), finish my exams and work on my exchange application to study in Japan next year.

...I need to do all of this over the next month or so, so this isn't a holiday.

This manga takes me 2-3 days to produce a chapter of, and when I say 2-3 days, I don't mean doing some leasurely translating and type-setting before bed. I mean 48-72 hours straight jacked up on coffee and chain-smoking, taking one one hour nap per day and only having the time to make one meal each day (plus, I don't like cooking).

"But GUMI, why should I care about this?"

Well, with everything I have to do at the moment, I don't have the 2.5 days to sink into this manga weekly, or even fortnightly.

I want you to know (yes, all three of you reading this) that I have no intention of dropping this series, and I will still try to get a page done every day or two, and if I have a slow day or I get some of my other stuff done, I will do extra work on it, but don't expect the next chapter of this manga for another month or so.

Of course, once I get settled I will update this blog, and I will start posting this series at least once a week.

I also might be collab-ing with another group soon to have this series professionally type-set, re-drawn and cleaned from here on...

But that also won't happen for at least another month.

If you are still reading this long-arse post, I'm sorry you gais, I will try to get my shit together as soon as I can.

So until then...


P.S. I will still reply to emails during this time. It takes like 2 seconds of my time, and it's the least I can do!

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