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My Ignorance Ch06 Release

Hiya gang,

Sorry for the wait, but it's finally here!! My Ignorance Ch06, available under the downloads tab as usual.

For the most part, I had been working on a large project on-and-off, but that wound up being cancelled, which why I stalled on making a decision of whether or not to move on without the illustrious ioze-chi until recently.

It's also the first time since opening this site that I have began working and studying full-time, which has bogged me down further from doing translating which I actually prefer doing.

I have also been trying to learn more about photoshop while working on a chapter of L-size, but alas, my ineptitude with photoshop shows even after months of work, but L-size is likely to be the next chapter that I put out, or else, it'll be My Ignorance again, depending on how quickly I can move on either. I might also attempt to contact Hanabi again for a Kuttsukiboshi chapter, who knows?

I will try to start headhunting for people to do all the photoshopping stuff for my other series soon, as it seems that I simply don't have the time to do anything but the translation side of things for SFX-heavy series, such as L-size.

Anyway, that's the state of affairs for me, and a vague timetable that I have in mind. I just thought I'd give the details in case I go slightly AWOL, which I very much am trying not to do, but I am insanely busy IRL.

Once again, thank you very much to Cecile for offering to work on this series with me - you are an absolute lifesaver, and we'll see you gais next time.


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