Shuuden Ch26 Release!!!

Hey Gais, GUMI here,
Shuuden Ch26 can now be found under the downloads tab, and many thanks to Babudarabu for all their hard work.
Now to scheduling: As of time of writing, all of my other series' will be out to editors within 24-48hrs, and Prison! has already been off for a week. As I have a slight bit of time, I will probably re-edit my first 2 Shuuden chapters to remove the silly filter I put on those two chapters. Hopefully that will be ready in time for the next release of Shuuden, which will likely be my next release. Then I will work on my script for the next Transistor Teaset. I am hoping to complete everything else on my side within the week, and should start on TT next week, unless I get super-busy at work, or one of the typesetters on my other series get back to me suddenly.
Anyway, hope that made sense for anyone checking the site,