Shuuden Ch27 Release + some more general scheduling info

Hi gais, GUMI here,
So as the title suggests, Shuuden 27 is finished and is available under the download tab, and many thanks to babudarabu for all the hard work.
So, the scheduling info:
The next Prison! chapter should be out this week or next week.
The next L-size Little sister should be out in 2-3 weeks. Every chapter of this series is extremely text-heavy and long, so it does take some time to put together, but that is the schedule that me and Lpoool are aiming for.
I am close to finishing the next TT script, and I should have the draft of that completed within the week, and then there's typesetting and redrawing, so no release date on that, but it isn't as action-heavy as the last chapter, so I should be able to do all that a lot quicker than last time. Possibly in a month or two, I dunno...
Other than that, Shuuden will of course continue to tick along nicely, and I believe that chapter 28 should be completed in 2-3 weeks, but I will try to be as quick as I can on my end.
I am however busy with a project at my day job, so if there are any delays, that is totally my fault, and I will try my best to not let that interrupt my precious, precious upload schedule.